Why do you recommend white paint over darker colors?

All Epoxy pools chalk. Chalking is the formation of a powdery residue on the paint surface due to degradation, typically white. It occurs faster on darker colors because they absorb more UV radiation, breaking down the paint's binders more quickly and resulting in earlier and more noticeable chalking compared to white.

Can I pick a different color other than White and Blue?

Yes, Tnemec offers a wide range of colors beyond white and blue. However, for custom colors, additional gallons must be purchased to ensure sufficient supply, leading to extra charges for paint and potentially for shipping as well.

Why do we not want to paint Fiberglass Sidewalls?

Painting fiberglass sidewalls is not recommended due to the material's flexibility, which can lead to cracking and chipping of the paint. Additionally, the surface of fiberglass does not provide as strong an adhesion for paint compared to cement, resulting in poor paint performance and longevity.

Can I eliminate Chalking?

Chalking in epoxy-painted pools is inevitable, as it results from the sun's UV rays and pool chemicals interacting with the paint over time. While it cannot be completely eliminated, regular pool usage, which stirs the water, combined with a high-quality filtration system, can help minimize its occurrence.

Why is ground water important to deal with before draining the Pool?

Addressing groundwater before draining a pool is crucial because if overlooked, the pressure from the groundwater can lift and damage the pool structure, including its piping. This risk significantly increases our business insurance costs. Proper management requires specialized equipment and a deep understanding of groundwater dynamics, leading us to adopt a highly cautious approach and employ every preventive measure to mitigate such risks effectively.

How long does a paint job last?

The paint's lifespan is up to 8 years as indicated on the can. I have a Buckeye Pool and opt to repaint every seven years. Regular maintenance of the surface condition is simpler and more cost-effective than undertaking repairs after prolonged neglect.

How can I cleaning coping and fiber glass side walls?

For cleaning the coping, applying chlorine directly to the surface on sunny days can be highly effective. As for the fiberglass sidewalls, a product like Goof Off, available at Lowe's, can be used to clean them efficiently, typically within about an hour.

Why do i have to wait 6+ days to refill my pool?

The paint dries to the touch quickly, allowing it to withstand rain within an hour and bear foot traffic in 18 hours. However, for the paint to fully cure into a durable, solid layer capable of supporting the weight and pressure of pool water, a waiting period of 7 days is recommended.

Most leaks are where the fiber glass and cement meet?

The majority of leaks typically occur at the junction between fiberglass and cement. Applying caulking and a fresh coat of paint can effectively address over 90% of these leaks.

Why do you recommend 2 coats of paint instead of one like most of the other pool painting companies?

Applying two coats of paint rather than one, as many other companies do, significantly prolongs the paint job's lifespan, reducing the frequency of repainting. The process of draining and cleaning the pool, which requires specialized equipment and expertise, constitutes a major part of the project, making the most of this effort with a durable finish.

During the cleaning process, why is the water so milky at the end of the draining and cleaning process?

The water appears milky towards the end of the cleaning process because we are cleaning and extracting the chalking and filtering it out with our pumps.

What if it rains?

If it rains, there's no need to worry. The epoxy paint we use on cement surfaces is water-repellent, allowing it to withstand rain just 30 minutes after application. This characteristic of epoxy paint ensures your paint job remains protected even in unexpected weather.

Before refilling my pool, what must we think about doing before adding the water?

Before refilling your pool, ensure ground water plugs are securely reinstalled and drain covers are properly placed back. Be careful not to over-tighten the screws on your drain covers; stop tightening once they feel snug to avoid damage.

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